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September 07, 2008


Gramma jayne

I love it! Way to go Tara! In years to come, when they make fun of you doing this lesson, they will secretly... or maybe outloud, thank you for being so wise to give them this lesson. keep the life lessons going! love you all!

Pam Montazeri

Gee, I didn't get that lesson till I was married and flat ass broke. Could have used it sooner! Hey, I take that back; I think I did it for a GS badge! Very ingenious Tara! It's nice to see Russell pushing the cart instead of riding in it like when he was here...

Aunt Kim

I am sending Jordan to the Aunt Tara Life Training Bootcamp! Nice work Tara! Actually, i think i need to attend too!

ol' aunt Joan

Wow! They got all that for only twenty dollars? Give them a hundred and they'll overflow the pantry! Way to go kids!

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